Data Gathering
Previous evaluation for anemia
Spontaneous bleeding (epistaxis, hematochezia, hematuria, hematemesis, melena)
Heavy menses
Easy bruising
Peripheral edema
Ecchymoses/petechiae on skin or mucosa
Risk Stratification
Diagnostic Studies
SCREENING: obtain CBC for any of following:
Expected total blood loss >1000 cc
History or exam suggestive of RBC abnormality
ANEMIA: obtain following if not obtained recently (<6 months):
CBC, reticulocyte count, iron panel, ferritin, B12, TSH
Indications for Surgical Delay
Uncharacterized or untreated correctable anemia (Hgb <10 or any anemia prior to large blood loss surgery) & elective surgery (Choosing Wisely)
Thrombocytopenia that is new/significant (<50k or decrease by 50% with platelet count <150k or related to microangiopathic hemolytic anemia (DIC, TTP, HUS)
Severe neutropenia (ANC <500)
Continue all non-antithrombotic hematologic meds uninterrupted (eg, hydroxyurea)
Exceptions: rituximab - discuss best management with surgeon and hematologist
RBC Transfusion Indications (AABB guideline)
Symptoms of anemia (along with level of anemia expected to cause symptoms - eg, Hgb <10 and significantly decreased from baseline)
Hgb <7 g/dl
Hgb <7.5 after cardiac surgery
Hgb <8 g/dl plus:
Cardiovascular disease
Orthopedic surgery
Blood Conservation Methods (BCSH guideline, SABM recommendations)
Iron Supplementation
In patients with preoperative iron deficiency anemia, IV iron reduces blood transfusions & is indicated when the timeframe to surgery is short (few weeks) or the patient is intolerant of PO iron (Froessler et al & Goodnough et al)
Even in patients without preoperative anemia, provision of postoperative IV iron after lower limb arthroplasty reduced transfusion rates without significant change in overall cost of care (Munoz et al)

Preoperative Autologous Donation
Low use currently due to less concern over safety of blood supply & evidence suggesting it may increase the need for transfusion (due to donating blood close enough to surgery to prevent blood expiration) and does not completely eliminate risks
If used, iron supplementation and ESAs may be beneficial for regenerating blood after donation and prior to surgery (see above)
BCSH guideline only recommends its use in "exceptional circumstances":
Rare blood groups or multiple blood group antibodies where compatible allogeneic (donor) blood is difficult to obtain
Serious psychiatric risk because of anxiety about exposure to donor blood
Refusal of allogeneic blood transfusion but will accept preoperatively donated autologous blood
Children undergoing scoliosis surgery
RBC Salvage
Can be done intraoperatively or postoperatively (less common)
Used if expected blood loss >500 cc
Expected blood loss >20% of patient’s blood volume
Risk factors for bleeding (including high-risk Caesarean section) or low preoperative Hb concentration
Major hemorrhage
Rare blood groups or multiple blood group antibodies
Refusal of allogeneic blood transfusion but will accept salvage autologous blood (many Jehovah's Witnesses, but not all - see below)
Acute Normovolemic Hemodilution (ANH)
Immediate preoperative phlebotomy and storage of RBCs and replacement with isotonic IV fluids
Requires considerable expertise & resources not available at all facilities
Role still unclear
Consider for anemic patients undergoing surgery who refuse allogeneic blood or with large expected blood loss who have rare blood groups or multiple RBC antibodies that make allogeneic transfusion difficult
Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agents
Beneficial in patients with anemia of chronic disease prior to large blood loss surgeries
Potential adverse effects: VTE, seizures, red cell aplasia
Contraindication: Hct >35%
Should be given with concomitant iron supplementation & VTE prophylaxis should be considered
Preparations contain a small amount of human albumin so some Jehovah's Witnesses may not accept

Sickle Cell Disease Management
Transfuse to Hgb of 10 g/dl prior to surgery requiring general anesthesia (NHLBI guideline)
Type of transfusion (simple or exchange) should be determined by hematology
Typically done 2-3 days before surgery
Provide additional time for crossmatching of blood prior to large blood loss surgeries - 2 days before surgery
Aggressively pursue adequate pain control & avoidance of hypoxia/dehydration
If patient is euvolemic, give hypotonic IV fluids (encourages flow of water into RBCs and prevents sickling)
Patients with sickle cell disease presenting for elective surgery should be reviewed in a pre‐assessment clinic, with input from hematology (Association of Anaesthetists guideline)
The acute pain team should be notified in advance if a patient with sickle cell disease is undergoing major surgery, particularly if the patient has a history of chronic pain. (Association of Anaesthetists guideline)
Schedule early on the operating list to avoid prolonged starvation (Association of Anaesthetists guideline)
Have a low threshold to admit patients to high dependency or intensive care. (Association of Anaesthetists guideline)
Jehovah's Witness Patient Management (Kline et al)
Obtain advance directives (Jehovah's Witnesses often have a unique advance directive)
Some patients may request additional assistance from Jehovah's Witness pastors or councils - many Hospital Liaison Committees available (click for website with list)
Confirm whether they will take direct transfusion of blood cells
Strict adherents ("active" Jehovah's Witnesses) will not accept primary blood components - RBCs, platelets, WBCs, and plasma
"Inactive" Witnesses may be willing to receive blood transfusions under some circumstances
Blood derivatives, including albumin, cryoprecipitate, immunoglobulins, and factor concentrates, are left to individuals to decide (governing body for Jehovah's Witnesses, the Watch Tower Society, leaves it to one's conscience)
Ask whether they will accept specific blood conservation methods (see above)
Many will accept RBC salvage and ESAs
For RBC salvage, many insist that the blood is not stored at any time - instead, it must be in a continuous circuit connected to the body; not all RBC salvage methods do this - must determine ahead of time
For ESAs, all usually contain a small amount of albumin; for Jehovah's Witnesses unwilling to accept this, albumin-free preparations can be obtained from the manufacturer
Obtain CBC, iron studies, B12, folate, coagulation studies, & fibrinogen levels
At least 6 weeks before elective surgery likely to be associated with significant blood loss, check Hb and if <13, optimization by treatment with iron and/or erythropoietin should be considered
Minimize phlebotomy
Use antithrombotic agents cautiously
Consider use of IV tranexamic acid to reduce bleeding/conserve blood