Diabetes Mellitus (DM)
Data Gathering
Glucose testing & insulin dosing regimen
Recent glucose readings
History of hypoglycemic episodes - especially when NPO for procedures
History of ketoacidosis
Insulin dosing regimen
Complications: neuropathy, nephropathy, & gastroparesis
Hypoglycemic symptoms & awareness
Early satiety & regurgitation of undigested food
Sensory abnormalities
Risk Stratification
Diagnostic Studies
Basic metabolic panel within 6 months (more recently if any change in status)
ECG if undergoing non-low risk surgery (author's institution's criterion)
Glycohemoglobin (A1c) if would impact management
Literature mixed on utility & no clear, evidence-based cut-off for elective surgery
Many orthopedic surgery programs utilize cut-offs (ranging from 7.0-8.5) above which they will not perform elective surgery; some professional societies also recommend this (Dhatariya et al & Barker et al)
Most recent guideline from Endocrine Society recommends targeting a preopative A1c <8%, and if this isn't feasible, at least targeting preoperative glucose of 100-180 mg/dl (Endocrine Society guideline)
Fructosamine - alternative to glycohemoglobin:
Useful for determining average glucose over past 2-3 weeks; also useful for assessing glucose control in patients with ESRD and chronic hemolytic anemia (A1c unreliable)​
Some literature suggests it may be more predictive than A1c of adverse outcomes in orthopedic surgery (Shohat et al & Mendez et al) - fructosamine >293 associated with increased risk of surgical infection
Indications for Surgical Delay
Ketoacidosis or hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic syndrome
Elective surgery and A1c exceeding program/institutional cut-off
Elective surgery and glucose >400 mg/dl (author's opinion: based upon increased likelihood for immediate complications of hyperglycemia as well as impaired wound healing)
Preoperative Management
Do not give preoperative carbohydrate loading (2022 Endocrine Society guideline)
Medication Management (ADA Standards of Medical Care & 2022 Endocrine Society guideline)
Non-insulin therapies: hold on morning of surgery
Exception: sodium-glucose transport protein 2 (SGLT-2) inhibitors may require withholding fo​r 3 days due to risk of euglycemic ketoacidosis
Exception: glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) agonists may require withholding for week before GI surgery if dosed weekly
Hold while hospitalized & provide insulin as needed to achieve glucose of 80-180 mg/dl​
Use of basal (long-acting) + bolus correction & nutritional (short-acting) insulin preferred over sliding scale-only insulin
Long-acting (eg, detemir, glargine): provide 60-80% of usual dose while NPO; otherwise continue at usual dose​
Exception: For Toujeo and Tresiba, above dose adjustment may need to be done ​3 days before surgery due to extended half-life
Intermediate-acting (eg, NPH): provide 1/2 of usual dose while NPO; otherwise continue at usual dose
Short-acting (eg, regular, aspart): do not provide nutritional (scheduled for mealtimes) dosing while NPO; provide correction dosing as needed for hyperglycemia while NPO; continue at usual dose when eating usual diet
70/30 or 75/25 insulin: give 1/3 of usual dose or give 50% of the intermediate-acting fraction of the usual dose while NPO; when eating, continue usual dose
Insulin pump:
Use 60-80% of usual basal rate & no boluses while NPO
If surgery >3 hours or concern for impaired peripheral absorption or patient's ability to self-manage in immediate postoperative setting, remove pump in preop holding area and provide continuous IV insulin infusion (requires preop discussion with patient's diabetes management provider
Intraoperative Management
Check glucose prior to surgery & if >300, consider continuous IV insulin infusion
Check glucose at least every 2 hours (more frequently if glucose <91 or >180)
Give dextrose-containing IV fluids if glucose <91
Collaborate with patients' diabetes management providers, especially if they use insulin pumps
Provide preoperative hypoglycemia treatment instructions for while the patient is NPO at home​